Sunday, September 14, 2008

JAR - Command Reference

Common JAR file operations

To create a JAR file
jar cf jar-file input-file(s)

To view the contents of a JAR file
jar tf jar-file

To extract the contents of a JAR file
jar xf jar-file

To extract specific files from a JAR file
jar xf jar-file archived-file(s)

To run an application packaged as a JAR file
(requires the Main-class manifest header)
java -jar app.jar

To invoke an applet packaged in a JAR file to be displayed in your web page,put the following Tags.

<applet height="height" archive="JarFileName.jar" width="width" code="AppletClassName.class">
<param name="_cx" value="26">
<param name="_cy" value="26">


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