Here im presenting some code to do this conversion.
Hope this will be help for some of u...
Convert JDBC to TNS
public void convertJDBC2TNS(){
System.out.println("In My button action listener");
//str is something like
//we want the output to be something like
String str = n.getTextArea().getText();
String str2= new String();
System.out.println("My text is : \n"+str);
for(int i=0;i(lessthan)str.length();i++){
char c = str.charAt(i);
if(c==' '||c=='\t'||c=='\n'){
// do nothing
char cl = java.lang.Character.toLowerCase(c);
char[] charArray ={cl};
str2 = str2.concat( new String(charArray));
System.out.println("String = "+str2+"\nlength = "+str2.length());
int hostIndex = str2.indexOf(":@");
int portIndex = str2.indexOf(":", hostIndex+1);
int sidIndex = str2.indexOf(":", portIndex+1);
System.out.println("hostIndex = "+ hostIndex+"\n portIndex = "+ portIndex+"\n sidIndex = "+ sidIndex );
int closingIndex;
closingIndex = str2.indexOf(":", hostIndex+1);
String host = str2.substring(hostIndex+2, closingIndex);
System.out.println("host = "+host);
closingIndex = str2.indexOf(":", portIndex+1);
String port = str2.substring(portIndex+1, closingIndex);
System.out.println("port = "+port);
//closingIndex = str2.indexOf(")", sidIndex);
String sid = str2.substring(sidIndex+1);
System.out.println("sid = "+sid);
String tnsString = sid.toUpperCase()+"=(DESCRIPTION="+"\n\t"+
System.out.println("My text after conversion is : \n"+tnsString);
Convert TNS to JDBC
public void convertTNS2JDBC(){
System.out.println("In My button action listener");
//your str is something like
//and you want to convert it to
String str = n.getTextArea().getText();
String str2= new String();
System.out.println("My text is : \n"+str);
for(int i=0;i(lessthan)str.length();i++){
char c = str.charAt(i);
if(c==' '||c=='\t'||c=='\n'){
// do nothing
char cl = java.lang.Character.toLowerCase(c);
char[] charArray ={cl};
str2 = str2.concat( new String(charArray));
System.out.println("String = "+str2+"\nlength = "+str2.length());
int hostIndex = str2.indexOf("host");
int portIndex = str2.indexOf("port");
int sidIndex = str2.indexOf("sid");
System.out.println("hostIndex = "+ hostIndex+"\n portIndex = "+ portIndex+"\n sidIndex = "+ sidIndex );
int closingBraceIndex;
closingBraceIndex = str2.indexOf(")", hostIndex);
String host = str2.substring(hostIndex+5, closingBraceIndex);
System.out.println("host = "+host);
closingBraceIndex = str2.indexOf(")", portIndex);
String port = str2.substring(portIndex+5, closingBraceIndex);
System.out.println("port = "+port);
closingBraceIndex = str2.indexOf(")", sidIndex);
String sid = str2.substring(sidIndex+4, closingBraceIndex);
System.out.println("sid = "+sid);
String jdbcString = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"+host+":"+port+":"+sid+"";
System.out.println("My text after conversion is : \n"+jdbcString);
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